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Was Jesus A New Age Guru?

 Estimated read time | 5 min It is the common notion that ‘to have faith’ is to ‘believe’, to believe in a religious figure or the godhead itself? to ‘believe’ on a particular interpretation of ancient scriptures by a few selected individuals?  As we can see the more we delve into this, obvious logical questions arise, in the past the very doubt of these ‘interpretations’ could have had severe consequences which led these doubts to be swept under the rug. In modern times these are strikingly basic questions which have been leading to the decline of dogmatic Christianity since the post WWII era emerged, a step into the right direction with new airs of secularity and an aim to unify societies based on truth, science and progress. Immersed in this post-dogmatic, scientifically oriented world we have tools that millennia of religious theorists lacked in the past, like direct access to the scriptures in their original languages which is a quick and definitive way to quell those basic

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